

Henning Fehrmann


open closed Total
Assigned issues 43 434 477
Reported issues 27 510 537


Project Roles Registered on
Atlas Cluster Staff 2008-06-13
Backup Room -133 Cluster Staff 2021-07-06
MPG Storage Brick Cluster Staff 2019-07-30
Warranty / Broken parts Cluster Staff 2019-02-25



11:05 Atlas Support #3555 (New): set cables for mkstore60a
For testing we need a provisional cabling. Could you attach mkstore60a to a data swtich for now? IPMI and manegement ... Henning Fehrmann


09:11 Atlas Support #3549 (Assigned): Check the MeerKAT storage nodes
The MeerKAT storage arrived. There are holes is cardboard boxes. We should check the status of the nodes.
Henning Fehrmann
08:59 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/Govirtual(Huawei) #3543 (Resolved): Broken disk in work15c
Got the replacement. Henning Fehrmann


14:13 Atlas ToDo #3542: Empty out rack 101
Just looked into the old dhcp config. We could put the MeerKAT test nodes back to there old places:
mkdata01a -> a74...
Henning Fehrmann


15:36 Atlas Support #3540 (Resolved): Storage space for Rahul Sengars data
Rahul needs ca 160TB of storage space for his data. Do we have a storage box available or should we put it on a BeeGF... Henning Fehrmann


08:22 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/Sysgen #3539: Failed disk in w59i
One Click logs. Henning Fehrmann
08:18 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/Sysgen #3539: Failed disk in w59i
Opned a Huawei SR with the number 13004678.
The SMART output is:
smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [x86_64-linux-4.1...
Henning Fehrmann
08:17 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/Sysgen #3539 (Resolved): Failed disk in w59i
`/dev/sdo` reports errors. I've got the `one-click` logs already and this HDD can be exchanged. Henning Fehrmann


06:57 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/Controlware(Huawei) #3517: Failed disk in workbackup04
Filed a Huawei ticket. A spare HDD has been sent and has been added to the stock. Henning Fehrmann


07:45 Atlas ToDo #3505: Heat test for backup room
We can use the old Asus nodes with GTX750 GPUs for the load test. They must not undergo the cleannode procedure befor... Henning Fehrmann

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