

Carsten Aulbert


open closed Total
Assigned issues 50 446 496
Reported issues 132 1201 1333


Project Roles Registered on
Atlas Project Admin 2008-06-13
Backup Room -133 Project Admin 2021-07-06
MPG Storage Brick Project Admin 2019-07-30
Warranty / Broken parts Project Admin 2019-02-25



06:05 Atlas ToDo #3553: BeeGFS: Add new one for FAST and enable multiple mounts per client
Will convert work14a, work14b, work14d, work1h and work15i to beegfs nodes.
Will first work on creating generic ZF...
Carsten Aulbert


14:47 Atlas ToDo #3553 (Assigned): BeeGFS: Add new one for FAST and enable multiple mounts per client
(1) Starting with 2-4 work servers form racks 14/15, crating a new 1.3PB-ish BeeGFS.
(2) Change salt service to al...
Carsten Aulbert
14:19 Atlas Support #3552 (Resolved): Add 18 more FAST HDD to work88d
6 are already installed for the initial test. Please add 18 more from the two orange cases and put the 6TB disks into... Carsten Aulbert


08:32 Atlas ToDo #3521: Plan MeerKAT server placements
OK, lengthy output but putting this into a gigantic table would not help that much either:
This is the currently s...
Carsten Aulbert


13:45 Atlas ToDo #3521: Plan MeerKAT server placements
I'll have a look on Monday if we have some outdated stuff still on the core switch we could replace/re-use Carsten Aulbert
09:14 Atlas Support #3549: Check the MeerKAT storage nodes
Already in netbox: Carsten Aulbert


06:28 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/misc (out of warranty) #3547 (Resolved): Broken disk in einstein5
Device @/dev/sdj@ failed:
Dec 01 12:24:30 einstein5 smartd[2825624]: Device: /dev/sdj [SAT], previous self-test co...
Carsten Aulbert


07:20 Atlas Support #3546 (Resolved): Please replace dual port 10G NICs in condor7
I'm still not 100% sure this is really a fault of the NICS (see #3477) but condor7 again loses connection to the LAG ... Carsten Aulbert


09:50 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/misc (out of warranty) #3544 (Resolved): broken OS disk in atlas4
Unfortunately, not visible what this device was but the box just showed I/O errors and after a reboot (reset and powe... Carsten Aulbert
07:07 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/Govirtual(Huawei) #3543 (Resolved): Broken disk in work15c
smart reports:
SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num Test_Description Status R...
Carsten Aulbert

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