

Bernd Machenschalk


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 4 4


Project Roles Registered on
Atlas Reporter 2008-07-31
Backup Room -133 Reporter 2021-07-06
MPG Storage Brick Reporter 2019-07-30
Warranty / Broken parts Reporter 2019-02-25



12:26 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
> @Alexander Post Max is on vacation from tomorrow on and at least next week.
Sorry, wrong. He's on vacation next we...
Bernd Machenschalk


14:49 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
@alex Max is on vacation from tomorrow on and at least next week. Bernd Machenschalk


13:30 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
I always confuse the numbering of einstein-mac1 (M2, D.A. has access) and einstein-mac2 (older M1), so I'm probably r... Bernd Machenschalk
13:24 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
The MacMini C07DW2SMQ6NY is one of the first M1s we bought, that I currently have at home. Bernd Machenschalk


14:05 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
I swapped the cables on Moss, and now it got an IP from Atlas DHCP ( It seems that the hardware (cable,... Bernd Machenschalk


14:02 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
I can confirm that assigning IP addresses in the Atlas data network on the second IF works for Eddie and Roy. I found... Bernd Machenschalk
10:13 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
@alex @CarstenAulbert please add
00:24:36:f3:26:68 Moss
00:1e:52:f2:71:95 Roy and
00:16:cb:3a:0d:fa Eddie
to the ...
Bernd Machenschalk


11:15 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
Eddie (G5 MacPro) apparently is not connected to the Atlas data network (yet), maybe I unplugged the cable when reviv... Bernd Machenschalk
11:12 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
Roys if2 has 00:1e:52:f2:71:95 Bernd Machenschalk


12:38 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
This ticket also doesn't include the Xserves in the E@H rack mentioed in #3472 (moss, roy, richmond). Could you take ... Bernd Machenschalk

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