

Oliver Behnke


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 9 9
Reported issues 2 37 39


Project Roles Registered on
Atlas Reporter 2008-08-15
Backup Room -133 Reporter 2021-07-06
MPG Storage Brick Reporter 2019-07-30
Warranty / Broken parts Reporter 2019-02-25



08:20 Warranty / Broken parts Vendor/misc (out of warranty) #3547 (Resolved): Broken disk in einstein5
Thanks Lukas. Resilvering seems to be done. Oliver Behnke


15:12 Atlas Support #3515: Improved hardening of servers/nodes against attacks
Sure, there will always be exceptions but hopefully they can just be handled as such. I'm sure we find a specific tre... Oliver Behnke
14:58 Atlas Support #3515 (Feedback): Improved hardening of servers/nodes against attacks
In lieu of the latest Linux malware "perfctl": Oliver Behnke


13:57 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
Yep, I can confirm most of those findings. So sure, go ahead. All I care about is that this one isn't part of our bun... Oliver Behnke
12:39 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
So, the bogus @einstein-mac1@ is in fact a GitLab runner, that Bernd and I don't even have an account. So that's defi... Oliver Behnke


13:35 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
Bernd Machenschalk wrote in #note-52:
> The MacMini C07DW2SMQ6NY is one of the first M1s we bought, that I currently...
Oliver Behnke
13:33 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
No, @einstein-mac2@ is correctly labeled as such. As is @einstein-mac3@. Both a located in rack F.
But, I at least f...
Oliver Behnke
11:29 Atlas Feature #3487: Ensure all Macs are in Atlas data network.
@LukasHagemann did you label one of the Mac minis in rack F *einstein-mac1* (top-left of the minis)? That isn't *eins... Oliver Behnke


12:10 Atlas ToDo #3511: Salt plugin/modules being removed from salt core
Based on this new combined states (pattern) list my "previous search": Oliver Behnke
11:55 Atlas ToDo #3511: Salt plugin/modules being removed from salt core
Oliver Behnke wrote in #note-6:
> Some updates:
> * Community modules "that will be dropped":
Oliver Behnke

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